You are about to start your journey in the world of photography and you want to know what things to consider when buying your first camera. It is good that you are doing your research and not just trusting all the hype that camera manufacturers and their brand ambassadors are saying. Here are some things to consider that might help you avoid the common mistakes beginners make when purchasing their first camera.


For me, this is the most important thing to consider when buying your first camera. Knowing how much you are willing to spend on your first camera will help narrow down the choices. Determine how much you are willing to spend and remember to account for accessories like lenses, memory cards, and batteries.

DSLRs and mirrorless offer more creative control but are pricier. Point-and-shoot cameras are budget-friendly and easy to use but offer less control.

Photography Interest

Knowing what you want to shoot will help determine what camera, lenses, and gears you will need. Will you be shooting landscapes, portraits, or action shots? Different cameras and lenses excel in different areas.

I understand that as a beginner you may not have an idea what will be your interest or you may want to try all and then choose which suits you best. If this is your situation and you have the budget, get yourself a DSLR or mirrorless camera with a kit lens. A kit lens usually allows you to shoot wide-angle landscape shots to close-ups or headshots. If you have the budget but don’t want to spend much or you really can’t afford a DSLR or mirrorless camera, get a good point-and-shoot camera.

Size and Portability

DSLRs can be bulky. Before there were mirrorless cameras, photographers only had DSLRs as a choice if they wanted to have more creative control compared to what point-and-shoot cameras can offer. If you want to focus on travel photography or outdoor portrait photography, be ready for the weight.

Mirrorless cameras are smaller and lighter, good for travel. They are more expensive compared to DSLRs because camera manufacturers put all the latest features in mirrorless cameras.

Point-and-shoots are the most compact. They don’t offer much compared to DSLRs and mirrorless cameras but due to their size, you can have them in your pocket, ready to shoot anytime.

Parting Words

There are other things to consider like megapixels, sensor size, autofocus, and image stabilization, but for me, these 3 are the foremost things to consider for anyone who wants to take up photography. I started with an iPhone 4, then a Panasonic Lumix point-and-shoot camera, before I settled with a DSLR. I am still using an iPhone as my everyday, walk-around camera. You can check my portfolio.

Agree or disagree? Let me know your thoughts.

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