While mirrorless cameras may have many advantages, there are some reasons why I am not in a hurry to upgrade my DSLR camera. I will share with you some of them that might help you decide:

Happy with my DSLR

My DSLR is still meeting my needs and I am comfortable using it, whether for my photoshoots with clients or personal projects.

I’ve focused more on boudoir photography these past couple of years as I felt that this is my niche. My DSLR still meets my requirement to shoot a client’s boudoir photo session.

One feature that is being heralded is that the latest mirrorless cameras have newer and better sensors and thus can perform better in low-light conditions. If you are shooting at night, with only the ambient lighting to light your shot, that would help. Not with boudoir photography, well not with how I shoot my boudoir.

If the ambient lighting is not enough to light my shots, I use off-camera flashes to help me attain the exposure I want. My DSLR can also handle shooting at higher ISO without resulting in too much noise/grain. I don’t also need to shoot at a fast shutter speed plus I shoot at a wide aperture setting.

Cost and Financial Consideration

Upgrading my whole DSLR system to mirrorless can be expensive. A brand-new full-frame mirrorless camera body alone can cost from US$1500 for the Canon EOS R8 to $5000 for the Canon EOS R3. I can, however, still use my DLSR lenses using a lens mount adapter to lessen the cost. If I have the budget, I would rather buy my dream lens, the Canon EF 24-70 f/2.8L II USM.

Optical Viewfinder Preference

Since I started using a DSLR for my photography, I often used the optical viewfinder and seldom the LCD. I feel that the LCD does not reproduce what I see in the optical viewfinder. I want to see what my lens sees and for me the LCD or in the case of the mirrorless, the electronic viewfinder shows a digital representation of the image.

I guess this feeling is not the same for those who started their photography using the LCD of their DSLR or the EVF of their mirrorless camera. As a professional photographer, I have to trust my gear.

There are other reasons why I am not in a hurry to upgrade to a mirrorless camera like the battery life or the limited lens selection. The battery life is not that big of a deal as I always carry a spare, while I only use a few lenses for my photography. I can even survive with just my dream lens.

That is why I am in no rush to upgrade to a mirrorless camera.

Parting Words

Focus on Photography, Not Gear. Upgrading won’t automatically make you a better photographer. Focus on honing your skills and using the equipment you have effectively.

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